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Why Professional Septic Maintenance is Necessary in Muskegon, Michigan?

Does septic tank cleaning sound unpleasant to you? It shouldn’t be. Just like any part of your
home, your septic system needs regular maintenance too. Here’s why?

1. It will cost you more.
 If your septic tank is not maintained or even cleaned and pumped, it may lead to backed-up
plumbing. You may have to make more expensive repairs on your septic system. Proper
maintenance will prevent further damage and costs. 
 2. Minor damages will become major ones.
 When your septic tank has minor defects and you continue to use it without having it cleaned
and fixed, it will cause more damages in the entire system. Unknowingly, the damage will
eventually grow and will be a major problem rather than a minor one. 
 3. You are a responsible member of your society.
 Proper maintenance of the septic tank shows your sense of responsibility and courtesy to
your neighborhood and community. Not cleaning your septic tank will not only cause foul odor
and unpleasant sight, but also pollute groundwater, rivers, and local habitats. Be a
law-abiding citizen and protect your environment.
 4. Endangering your health.
 Malfunctioning septic systems pose health hazards to you and the community. Septic
systems are infesting by dangerous pathogens that shouldn’t be in contact with humans and
animals. Health hazards and diseases that could pose to a bacterial or virus outbreak can be
prevented by cleaning malfunctioning septic tanks.   
 5. The value of your property will be at risk.
 The foul smell and grease leaking will have a negative impact on your business. The
aesthetic and market value of your home will also be affected. 

Septic maintenance cleaning should be done regularly, depending on the frequency of
usage and amount of waste, to prevent backups and malfunction of the system. If you are not
sure when and how to clean your septic tanks, you should hire professionals. The best
specialists to call are in West Michigan Septic Sewer and Drain Service.
 West Michigan Septic Sewer and Drain Service is equipped with the latest technology in
cleaning and scheduling the maintenance for your septic systems. We clear out waste and
dispose of them properly or utilize them as fertilizers. We maintain the records of your system
size, location, and cleaning program. We even notify you of your schedule for maintenance.
We will ensure that your septic system is in proper condition and you can relax.

West Michigan Septic Sewer and Drain Service offers the following services in these
Septic Maintenance Muskegon, grease trap cleaning Grand Haven, Septic Maintenance
Whitehall, Septic Maintenance Holland, Septic Maintenance Coopersville, Septic
Maintenance Allendale, and Septic Maintenance Twin Lake.

Call us at Muskegon: 231-739-7423 ,Grand Haven: 616-847-1072,Whitehall: 231-893-4252,
Holland: 616-392-8988,Coopersville: 616-837-1800,Allendale: 616-895-9080,and
Twin Lake: 231-828-5595.

For other inquiries, visit our website at, or personally visit our
Service Area Offices at Muskegon, Grand Haven, Whitehall, Holland, Coopersville, Allendale,
and Twin Lake.

Your septic tank is a part of your home that needs to be working properly too. Have a routine
schedule of thorough maintenance by the experts of West Michigan Septic Sewer and Drain


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