Lack of snow cover and dropping temperatures can be trouble for homeowners with septic systems . Snow helps to insulate septic systems and keep them from freezing . How to get rid of winter septic tank problems? Here are some few tips . Call W est Michigan Septic, Sewer and Drains Services for a complete inspection . · Place a layer of mulch 8 to 12 inches thick over the pipes, tank, and soil treatment system to provide extra insulation. This can be straw, leaves, hay or other loose material that will stay in place and not become compacted. This is particularly important for new systems that were installed so late in the year that vegetative cover didn't get established. However, if the system is currently frozen, don’t add mulch now; it will delay thawing in the spring. · Use water — the warmer the better —if you’re worried your system is starting to freeze. Spread out...