A long duration of heavy rains resulted in flooding . The ground gets drenched and may affect facilities like a septic tank to experience problems. Low lying areas suffered most of the flooding. Observe ways to help your wastewater facility not to malfunction on the rainy season. Minimize toilet flushing , reduce water usage when having a shower , lesser the water in your bathtub, dishwashing, clothes washing and others. Schedule your bathing and laundry if possible. Also, you can bring your laundry in a commercial laundry service to lessen your water usage and waste at home. It is not easy for homeowners to manage and minimize water usage and waste, but ideal to avoid costly emergency services. Once the flooding period is over you can have your routine back to normal. Homeowners should check their roof draining and gutters should be located away from where the septic tank is installed. To avoid trauma in your system, make sure that rainwater must not stay around near your f...